Don't Obey The Prophet

"The religion of islam was created by Muhammad, for Muhammad, not for the benefit of the people and not by any god. That is my conclusion. The Quran clearly indicates this.

The so called revelations are not written as if they were spoken by a god reading from an eternal copy of the Quran in heaven, as is claimed. Allah is mainly referred to in third person as if somebody else is describing Allah and his ascribed glory. That person is of course Muhammad himself. The Quran is a collection of his sermons and prescriptions as remembered by his followers.

The idea that the Quran existed in advance in heaven and that everything that happened to Muhammad played out as a kind of predetermined puppet theater by the hands of Allah during the 23 years that Muhammad recieved his sporadic so called revelations is simply not believable.

The revelations are also overly concerned with Muhammad's personal affairs and desires. Muhammad set himself up with a mandate for absolute power and demanded unquestionable submission. As with all people who have claimed divine guidance throughout the ages Muhammad had no evidence to present but his own words, as presented in the Quran. Those words are to be honest not very convincing at all. My hope is that muslims will persuade themselves to see this." ()

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