Neil deGrasse Tyson: Why Do We Have to Be Shocked Into Being Motivated to Lead?


"I don't like Sputnik moments," says the astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. After all, if you experience a "Sputnik moment," it means you are playing catch-up. That's the situation the U.S. faced after the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space in 1957. NASA was created in response. The U.S. is facing a similar situation today, trailing China in the 21st century race not only to space, but to create energy independence.

And yet, Tyson takes issue with President Obama evoking the notion of a "Sputnik moment" when it comes to energy. "That’s not a Sputnik moment," he says. "We should have those things anyway. Sputnik moments, you reserve those for grand visions that take your mind, body and soul to places that no one had previously dreamed."

In the video below, we asked Tyson how we might apply the notion of a "Sputnik moment" to our own lives, as we look for those occasions that compel us to invent for tomorrow.


The Big Bang - Lawrence Krauss and Michio Kaku

Professor Lawrence Krauss and Professor Michio Kaku explain the physics behind the events in the first second of The Big Bang.

Lawrence Krauss on Q&A - Science vs Religion

Professor Lawrence Krauss on the Q&A panel with Tanya Plibersek, Greg Hunt, Dr John Dickson & Dr Cindy Pan: A lively interactive discussion hosted by Tony Jones where the audience at home and in the studio questions political leaders and opinion makers.

Q&A ABC TV 18 Feb 2013 © Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2013.

All of Hitchens' media files: 93 GB of Christopher Hitchens !

From Reddit:
Hitchens Archive 1.0 [torrent - 93GB]
I've finally organized all the Hitchens audio/video I could find and put them into 1 big torrent for everyone to download :)
It was a lot of work organizing it, but I think it's worth it to share these files since you can't trust youtube or the other sites where these files are from.
The torrent is around 93 GB.